Code of Conduct

The College has designed Code of Conduct to provide fair procedures relevant to all the students, teachers, governing body, administration including principal/ Officials and support staff of the college. All the students of all Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes and all the M. Phil and Ph. D. scholars of all the departments of the College. All the students, as members of Sacred Heart College, are required to observe all the rules that are proposed under the Code of Conduct of the College. The Code of Conduct relates to three main areas such as (i) Academic integrity, (ii) Classroom Conduct and (iii) Conduct outside Classroom.

Committee to Monitor Code of Conduct 

Franklin J (Coordinator)
Jinu George (Jt. Coordinator)
Fr. Joseph Varghese CMI (IQAC Coordinator)
Syamlal M S (Jt. Coordinator) Central Campus
Fr. Sabu Thomas
Jaison J
James V George
Neenu Mary Francis
Fr. Antony P T CMI (Jt. Coordinator) Media Campus
Roshina Jasmine Faber
Sujith Narayanan
M C Jose (Jt. Coordinator) East Campus
Bony Mathew
Nishal Jayant
Hod/ Class Teachers Concerned
PTA Vice President
Renish P R
Bency Benny

Policy Documents and Rules for the Code of Conduct