Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Cell
Protection and management of Intellectual Property (IP) have become a major challenge for countries across the globe as patents are considered as indicators of technological development and trends in R & D. Realizing the potential of knowledge as the main creator of wealth in the emerging world economy, most of the nations in the world work on projects that would help improve the economy and protect their Intellectual Property.
The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell of Sacred Heart College is established with a view to promote innovation and research culture on the campus, faculty and students-led start- ups and ventures and help them to protect and respect intellectual property. The aim of the cell is to nurture the spirit of innovation and translate the innovation into value added products, processes and services for society and study the market feasibility and explore the commercial viability of the same. The cell is also committed to help the common people in the society by supporting them to shape their innovative ideas and guide them to obtain the IP right. The IPR policy of the College aims to contribute in transforming industry and society by delivering research driven education, promoting innovation, collaboration and fostering human values.
Major objectives
- Protect IP Rights generated by faculty and students of Sacred Heart College
- Lay down fair and transparent administrative process for ownership control
- Promote constant awareness about IP
- To encourage faculty members to do patent searches in-house to fine tune their research

IPR Policy of Sacred Heart College
Sacred Heart College, deems itself as a community involved in the process of utilization, dissemination and production of knowledge. It envisages a society where knowledge is for enhancing the well-being, and free and accessible to all, while due recognition is given to all concerned in the processes and those who produce knowledge are duly remunerated, where such possibility exists within a non-exploitative framework.
- It shall promote a culture of enquiry and research at all levels of higher education, especially through the design and transaction of curricula.
- IP relating to patents, trademarks, industrial designs, and semiconductor integrated circuits and plant variety, whether developed by the students, researchers, or faculty members of Scared Heart College, shall belong to Sacred Heart College, if they have utilized the resources/funds of the College for developing such IP.
- The expenses in connection with the registration of patents shall be borne by the College
- A special fund shall be raised for promoting research and innovation and these shall find place in the perspective plan and annual budget of the college. College level consultancy shall be developed and emoluments from the same may be utilized fully or partially for such purposes.
- The right for commercialization and Benefit Sharing of IP generated and Licensing and assignment of IPRs to a third party for commercialization can be done only through the Management of the College. An MOU should be signed between the Management, third party involved and inventors for the same to share the benefits
- The IP resources of the College should be used in a responsible manner to create a product/process conforming to environmental safety and good manufacturing practices promoted by the Government of India and its regulatory bodies
- The College through the IPR Cell, reserves the right, without providing a reason, to not to file a student’s product for IPR.
IPR Cell Members
Dr Grace Thomas – Coordinator
Dr Giby Kuriakose – Joint Coordinator
Dr Pius Augustine – Convener
Dr Jose John
Dr Ima Neerakal
Dr Franklin John
Dr Jinu George
Dr Abi T G
Dr Siby Mathew
Dr Roby Cherian
Dr Sumod MG
Dr Mathew M J
Dr T P Thomas