Library Profile

Fr. Francis Sales library of Sacred Heart College is named after its illustrious co-founder Rev. Fr. Francis Sales CMI (1904-1984). As a vital academic unit of the College, in alignment with the vision of higher education, the library also envisions involvement in research and extension.
Fr. Francis Sales Library, caters to the needs of the heartian students and staff by providing a range of library services. It offers a collection of more than 92000 books relevant to the academic community of the college. Moreover, it has a regular inflow of new additions. The extended working hours and quiet ambiance make it a favourite spot of both students and staff.
The general library of the college is a fully automated resource centre with a collection of over 92,000 plus books and subscribes to 90 plus journals and magazines. The library has a spacious reference section with a seating capacity of around 320, and has a collection of over 10,000 plus books for reference. The library purchases 14 different newspapers. The library is also equipped with advanced facilities such as RFID entry and CCTV monitoring OPAC facility.
Palackal Sophia Hall (Air Conditioned)
A conference hall of 30 seating capacity in the upper loft of the library. This is basically intended for research related discussions and presentations
Library Rules
- All members of the staff and students are members of the college library.
- The library will remain open from 8.00 am. to 8.00 pm. on all working days, with an interval of 45 minutes from 12 to 12.45 pm. On vacations and Saturdays, it opens from 9.30 to 4.30.
- Strict silence should be observed with in the library.
- College ID Card is essential for all the Library services, users should swipe their ID Cards at the entry and exit.
- Personal belongings like text books, umbrella, bags etc. are not allowed into the library. Users can carry laptops, notebooks, etc. for their study purpose.
- Books or any other records of the Reference Section will not be lent out. (a) The borrower of a book has to point out to the librarian or the circulation staff, at the time of the borrowing, any defect the book may already have. Otherwise it will be deemed that the book was intact when issued. The borrower will be responsible for any damage caused to a book while in his/her custody. (b) If a book or periodical is damaged or lost by a member, he/she will have to replace it or pay the replacement cost of the book including postage etc., within the time fixed by the librarian. (c) If one book of a set is damaged or lost by a member he/she must replace it with a copy of the same edition. If such a copy is not available he/she shall replace the same book with latest edition with bill within the time fixed by the librarian. In the case of multi volume set, if one volume is missing, the member should replace the whole set. (d) If a member happens to recover a lost volume after having replaced it or paid the value thereof he/she shall not be allowed to return it to the library and get back the new copy. (e) Payment is based on the Govt. rules.
- Each UG student member will be given 3 books and PG student 5 books at a time for which he/she has to sign in an issuing register. The date on which the book is due will be noted on a label inside the book.
- The period of loan is usually 14 days including the day of issue after which period a fine of Rs. 1/- per day per book will be levied. Users can renew the document for another 7 days, if that document don’t have any reservation. Any book, which is temporarily in special demand, will be lent out only for a shorter period.
- No member of staff is allowed to keep more than 10 books with him/her at a time.
- Members are not allowed to sub-lend the books of the library.
- Overnight issue of the reference books is available with the special permission of the Librarian.
- E-book readers are available for loan, rules are same as books.
- Consultation facility is available for the scholars of other institutions for a short period on request.
- Students can reserve books by login their own account, in case they are already issued.
- Books in demand/reservation may not be renewed.
- Members are responsible for books issued against their names.
- Library reserves the right to recall any issued document even before the due date.
- The material such as rare books, theses, dissertations, loose issues of periodicals etc. marked for consultation shall not be issued
- The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users at the property counter.
- The Principal of the college reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member.
Use of computers/laptops etc
- Computers in the library should be used for academic purposes only.
- Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the Library is not permitted.
- Use of laptops in the cubical systems where computers are already installed is not permitted.
- Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
- Personal keyboard, mouse, etc are not allowed inside the Library.
- Users should enter the details before using the computers for browsing.
Academic Services
Borrowing & lending |
Reference & Referral services |
Document delivery |
Suggest a document |
Personalised services |
Researchers assistance |
Publication help |
Reference management |
Plagiarism detection |
Google Scholar Profile of the College |
Working time
Fr. Francis Sales Library
Monday to Friday : 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM (On working days)
Saturdays & other days : 9.30 AM to 4.30 PM

Our college is subscribing NLIST database for our staff and students, login ID and password is given to all the library members. Those who have the login ID can access these resources remotely. If you have any doubt please contact the Librarian. Click the icons for the access.The Project entitled “National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)”, was jointly executed by the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, IIT Delhi provides, cross-subscription to e-resources subscribed by the two Consortia, i.e. subscription to INDEST-AICTE resources for universities and e-ShodhSindhu resources for technical institutions; and access to selected e-resources to colleges. The N-LIST project provides access to e-resources to students, researchers and faculty from colleges and other beneficiary institutions through server(s) installed at the INFLIBNET Centre. The authorized users from colleges can now access e-resources and download articles/books required by them directly from the publisher’s website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre.
All the Staff and Students of SH College can login these resources using the login ID and password as given. If you have any access problem, you may contact the librarian.
Teachers and students can login Moodle from here.
- Moodle login within the campus

- Moodle remote login
Library Staff
Library staff work toward the goals of the Library’s Mission to support the information needs of the College community and make quality information readily available and accessible. We provide advocacy, expert advice in discovering and exploiting information sources as well as systems, expertise and support in research analytic and the open publishing of research outputs. Contact the library staff for any help related to library and information retrieval.
Main Campus
Name |
Position |
Profile |
Biju V. V. |
College Librarian |
+91 9446143971
Support Staff
East Campus
Name |
Position |
Profile |
Mahesh Palamuttath |
+91 9567664972 |
Mariya Rose Kurian |
Assistant Librarian
+91 8281767602 |
Aswathy Mathews |
Library Assistant
+91 8281761475 |
Address |
The Librarian
Sacred Heart College (Autonomous)
Thevara, Kochi, Ernakulam
Kerala PIN 682 013
+91 484 287 0569
Turnitin, similarity check software is now available in Library, as part of promoting ethical writing skills. Turnitin is a commercial, Internet-based plagiarism detection service launched in 1997. Library has licenses to use the software, this facility can be availed by Faculty Members, Research Scholars and Students of Sacred Heart College to check the similarity of the articles, theses, and dissertations and project reports against its database and the content of other websites with the aim of identifying plagiarism
Plagiarism Self Study Tools
Blackboard SafeAssign : Academic Integirity
Glatt Plagiarism Services
For more details contact the Librarian
Publications Division of Sacred Heart College (Autonomous) is helping the authors and editors to publish their documents with ISBN. College Librarian is in-charge of this division. Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India allotted ISBN.
The publications with the help of the publication division with ISBN are listed below:
Sl. No |
Bibliographic Details |
Publisher Details |
Cover Image |
The final dissertation manuscripts of PG/UG students must have a publication-ready appearance; they must include standardised characteristics and be printed nicely. This sample document was developed collaboratively by the college’s IQAC and the college library. The student is responsible for ensuring that the formatting adheres to the guidelines mentioned in this handbook. The introduction, text, and appendices must all be prepared clearly and consistently and must adhere to all of the following specifications. Prior to completing your dissertation, contact with your supervisor and department regarding regional variances in style manuals, font sizes, and citation styles.
The document was compiled by
Dr. Vinil K. K. (Asst. Professor, Dept. of Economics)
Dr. Mathew George, (Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics)
Mr. Biju V. V. (College Librarian)