Fr. Francis Sales Library
Fr. Francis Sales library of Sacred Heart College is named after its illustrious co-founder Rev. Fr. Francis Sales CMI (1904-1984).
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To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.


Fr. Francis Sales library of Sacred Heart College is named after its illustrious co-founder Rev. Fr. Francis Sales CMI (1904-1984). As a vital academic unit of the College, in alignment with the vision of higher education, the library also envisions involvement in research and extension. Fr. Francis Sales Library, caters to the needs of the heartian students and staff by providing a range of library services. It offers a collection of more than 92000 books relevant to the academic community of the college. Moreover, it has a regular inflow of new additions. The extended working hours and quiet ambiance make it a favourite spot of both students and staff.

How to become a member?

All the students and staff members of the college are eligible to become the members of the library. Without the membership, no one can borrow books from the library.

Library Rules

1. All members of the staff and students are members of the college library.
2. The library will remain open from 8.00 am. to 8.00 pm.

Working Time

Monday to Friday : 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM (On working days) Saturdays & other days : 9.30 AM to 4.30 PM








Book of the month

A Promised Land

Published on November 17, 2020, it is the first of a planned two-volume series. Remaining focused on his political career, the presidential memoir documents Obama’s life from his early years through the events surrounding the killing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011. The book is 768 pages long and available in digital, paperback, and hardcover formats and has been translated into two dozen languages. There is also a 28-hour audiobook edition that is read by Obama himself.

The book has received many reviews and was put on end-of-year best of lists by The New York TimesThe Washington Post, and The Guardian. Commercially, it has been extremely successful and, as of the February 7, 2021 issue, the book has been the New York Times best-seller in non-fiction for ten consecutive weeks.

New Arrivals


Research Support
Library provides assistance for the Research Scholars
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Digital Library
Library provides E-Resources
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Library has the subscriptions of number of journals
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The library purchases 14 different newspapers. The library is also equipped with advanced facilities such as RFID entry and CCTV monitoring OPAC facility.

SHC Read Learn Evolve

The general library of the college is a fully automated resource centre with a collection of over 92,000 plus books and subscribes to 90 plus journals and magazines. The library has a spacious reference section with a seating capacity of around 320, and has a collection of over 10,000 plus books for reference. The library purchases 14 different newspapers. The library is also equipped with advanced facilities such as RFID entry and CCTV monitoring OPAC facility. The library has a spacious reference section with a seating capacity of around 320 and has a collection of over 10,000 plus books for reference. The library purchases 14 different newspapers. 

The library is also equipped with advanced facilities such as RFID entry and CCTV monitoring OPAC facility.


Our college is subscribing NLIST database for our staff and students

Publications Divisions

Our college provides 14 news papers in the college library

Exam Support

Our college give support for the students for competitive exams

Computer Lab

Students and staffs can make use of the computer Lab

Rare Books

There is a vast collection of rare books in our library


Turnitin, is now available in Library to promote ethical writing skills.

Digital Library

There is a vast number of e-journals and previous year question papers.


There is numerous journals and weekly subscriptions

Reading Area

There is a capacity of 200 in Library for students to read

Library Staffs

Library staff work toward the goals of the Library’s Mission to support the information needs of the College community and make quality information readily available and accessible. We provide advocacy, expert advice in discovering and exploiting information sources as well as systems, expertise and support in research analytic and the open publishing of research outputs. Contact the library staff for any help related to library and information retrieval.

Biju V. V.

College Librarian

Soumya John

Library Assistant

Ramachandran P.C.

Library Assistant

Rebecca Sebastian

Library Assistant

Roshna Roy

Library Assistant

Raina Raphel

Library Assistant

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