What is alienation? – Lecture
February 24, 2021 7:00 pm     At S H College

Prof. Akeel Bilgrami delivers the Third Endowment Lecture of Prajñā Foundation.
Alienation has been the object of deep and extensive analysis by a wide range of thinkers from Rousseau through Marx to Sartre. Almost all who have written of it have considered it to be a malaise that afflicts modernity.
Prof Akeel Bilgrami got a B.A in English Literature from Elphinstone College,Bombay University and went to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, where he readPhilosophy, Politics, and Economics. He has a Ph.D in Philosophy from theUniversity of Chicago. He has held the Johnsonian Professorship of Philosophyand holds the Sidney Morgenbesser Chair of Philosophy at Columbia University,where he is also a Professor on the Committee on Global Thought.
Co-hosted by The Department of English and Centre for Research, Sacred Heart College.
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