Malabar Tamarind (കുടംപുളി)

Scientific Name: Garcinia gummi-gutta (L.) Roxb.

Synonyms: Cambogia gummi-gutta L., Cambogia solitaria Stokes

Unique ID: 77

Systematic Position

Class: Dicotyledonae

Sub Class: Polypetalae                       

Series: Thalamiflorae

Order: Guttiferales

Family: Clusiaceae

Common Names

English – Malabar tamarind

Malayalam – കുടംപുളി

Tamil –  Kottukkappuli



Description: Habit: Trees up to 12 m tall; Trunk & Bark:Outer bark reddish brown, lenticellate; blaze reddish; Branches and Branchlets: Branches drooping; young branchlets subterete, glabrous; Exudates: Latex yellow, profuse; Leaves: Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 5-1.6 cm long, planoconvex or shallowly canaliculate above, slightly sheathing at base; lamina 5-13 x 2-6 cm; variable in shape from narrow elliptic, oblanceolate to obovate, apex usually acute, sometimes obtuse, base cuneate to attenuate, coriaceous or subcoriaceous; secondary nerves not prominent on both sides; tertiary nerves obscure; Inflorescence / Flower:

Flowers polygamous, in axillary or terminal clusters; calyx cream; petals pink; Fruit and Seed: Berry, globose, 6-8 grooved, to 5 cm in diameter; many seeded.

Habitat: Frequent understorey tree in evergreen forests up to 1800 m.

Distribution:  Western Ghats and Sri Lanka; in the Western Ghats- throughout in South and Central Sahyadris.

Uses:  Fruits : spices and condiments ; used in Ayurveda; The ripe fruit which is very acidic can be eaten raw or cooked with other vegetables. The fruit which exudes golden yellow juices can be eaten by roasting or boiling