African Tulip Tree (ഫൗണ്ടൈൻമരം)

Scientific Name: Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv.

Synonyms: Bignonia tulipifera Schum., Spathodea danckelmaniana Buettn.

Unique ID: 155

Systematic Position

Class: Dicotyledonae

Sub Class: Gamopetalae                        

Series: Bicarpellatae

Order: Polymoniales

Family: Bignoniaceae

Common Names

English – Squirt tree, African Tulip tree

Malayalam – ഫൗണ്ടൈൻമരം

Hindi – Rugtoora  



Description: The tree grows between 7–25 m (23–82 ft) tall. The African tulip tree flower produces large flamboyant reddish-orange flowers that have approximately five petals and are 8-15 cm long. The flowers are bisexual and zygomorphic. These are displayed in a terminal corymb-like raceme inflorescence. Its pedicel is approximately 6 cm long. This flower also has a yellow margin and throat. The pistil can be found at center of four stamens that is inserted on the corolla tube. This flower has a slender ovary that is superior and is two celled. The seeds of this tree are flat, thin, and broadly winged.


Habitat: Cultivated on roadsides

Distribution: India: Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh; Tropical Africa

Uses: folk medicine, Insecticidal properties