Black Shale

Type: sedimentary rock

Category: clastic sedimentary rock

Chemical/Scientific/Etc. : Composed primarily of clay minerals such as kaolinite, smectite, montmorillonite, illite and silt size quartz particles. Other minerals include feldspars, calcite, iron oxide and a few heavy minerals. Pyrite is a common diagenetic mineral in shale. Grain size is too small to be identified by unaided eyes.

Description/Characteristics :  

Black shale is a sedimentary rock primarily composed of clay minerals, organic matter, and fine-grained particles.
Its dark color comes from the high organic content.
black shale is typically dark or black
contains significant amounts of organic matter, including remnants of microscopic plants and animals

Place of collections:


Date/Month/year of Collection: 2022


Vindhyan, Cuddapah, Siwalik and Gondwana sequences contain shale deposits. Black shales are also reported from the Vindhyans Supergroup and Tal Formation of Lesser Himalaya.

Uses if any:  

Shale acts as a cap rocks for oil and gas. They are rich in pyrite and various metals such Cu, V, U, and Ni. Oil shales are mined as fossil fuel.

Collected by: