Sacred Heart College (Autonomous)

Thevara, Kochi - 682013

Self study report : cycle - IV

NAAC Quality Indicator Framework

Non-Government Funded Research Projects

Sl No: Name of the project/endowments, chairs Name of the Investigator Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department of the Investigator Year of Award Duration of the project Document
1 Federal Assistance award Mr. Babu Joseph US Department of state Federal Assistance Award. Non Government Communication 2019 2019-2020
2 American Arts Incubator Asha Achy Joseph Zero 1 Non Government Communication 2018 2018-2019
3 Communication Incubation Centre Mr. Babu Joseph UNICEF Non Government Communication 2016 2016-2017
4 Restoration of Orchids in Human Transformed Landscape Involving Local Community in Wayanad District, Kerala, India. Dr. Giby Kuriakose SDCOS USA Non-Government Botany 2016 2016-2018
5 Ore Udal (Film Production) Dr. Asha Achy Joseph Sharada Productions Non Government Communication 2015 2015-2016